Brian Stauffer
The Lawless Presidency
by David Leonhardt
Jules Julien
Time to Panic
by David Wallace-Wells
Tyler Comrie
Day Care for All
by Katha Pollitt
Pablo Delcan
The Quiet Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
by Anonymous
Hudson Christie
The Tyranny of Convenience
by Tim Wu
Johanna Goodman
We Are Not the Resistance
by Michelle Alexander
(+ society of illustrators gold medal, editorial)
Mark Pernice
I Am a Member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Not a Terrorist
by Gehad El-Haddad
(+ Society of Illustrators Gold Medal, Editorial)
Oliver Munday
Who is Brett Kavanaugh?
by Emily Bazelon
Melinda Beck
What We Got Right
by John Kerry
Doug Chayka
America Has No Reason
to Be So Powerful
by Stephen Wertheim
Mike McQuade
Why i Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Trump
by Christopher Suprun
Joan Wong
Do You Know What You've Given Up?
by James Bennet
Ben Wiseman
The Vatican's Gay Overlords
by Frank Bruni
Jaedoo Lee
unpublished commission
Kevin Van Aelst
How Parler Reveals the Alarming Trajectory of Political Violence
by candace rondeaux and heather hurlburt
ben wiseman
am i going blind?
by frank bruni
mikel jaso
why do we reward bullies?
by arthur brooks
adrian johnson
a four-year-old child is not a problem
by david l. kirp
roman muradov
lessons from virtual kindergarten
by david sax
sarah mazzetti
where democracy is a terrifying business
by ali akbar natiq
Adam higton
the summer of love's dispiriting fall
by ted widmer
anders nilsen
using wildfires as an excuse to plunder forests
by chad t. hansen and michael brune
anna parini
for 50 years i was denied the story of my birth
by steve inskeep
leonardo santamaria
disability: i will not apologize for my needs
by ari ne'eman
(+ Bronze Cube, ADC One Club, Editorial)
yann kebbi
when the cure is worse then the disease
by maia szalavitz
luigi honorat
a.i. and i
by mark c. taylor
ariel davis
your visitors deserve to know they're on camera
by thorin klosowski
Julian Glander
Finding What’s ‘Oddly Satisfying’ on the Internet
by emily matchar
adam maida
the fantasy of impeachment
erick-woods erickson
sally deng
internment: america's great mistake
by george takei
doug chayka
philosophy prepared me for a career in finance and government
by robert e. rubin
loris lora
how to get america on the mediterranean diet
by paul greenberg
lydia nichols
you don't want to buy groceries from a robot
by stacy torres
nolan pelletier
7 myths about the coronavirus vaccine
by aaron e. carroll
marta monteiro
are the french the new optimists?
by pamela druckerman
mel haasch
the unexpected joys of lockdown
by kara swisher
jun cen
your smartphone should be built to last
by damon beres
Andrew Holder
A Republican Plan to Ration Care
by Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Aaron Glickman and Emily Gudbranson
Alex Nabaum
How to Stop Drug Price Gouging
by Tim Wu
Harry Campbell
The Problem With 'Skinny' Repeal
by J.B. Silvers
Joe Sutphin
Stop Killing Coyotes
by Dan Flores
Jonathan Fetter-Vorm
To The Moon, But Not Back
Op-Art written by the Artist
Jillian Tamaki
Let Black Kids Just Be Kids
by Robin Bernstein
Laura Breiling
The Legacies of a Gender-biased Era
by Marisa Porges
Mikey Burton
Climate Progress, Without Trump
by Michael R. Bloomberg
Kiersten Essenpreis
Women Get 'Chick Flicks.' What About Men?
by Gloria Steinem
John F. Malta
Go Ahead Millenials, Destroy Us
by Tim Kreider
Wren McDonald
Garbage Trucks That Run On Waste
by Robert B. Catell and Joanna D. Underwood
Jim Datz
The Ties That Blind
by Richard Thompson Ford
Doug Chayka
The Mullahs and Their Missiles
by Ted Cruz
Mikey Burton
California's Midlife Crisis
by Héctor Tobar
Steve Thurston
Not Just Another Stinky Fish
By Richard Schiffman
Wendy MacNaughton
Mock Duck and Other Delights
by Jane Ziegelman and Andrew Coe
Chris Gash
When 'Free' College Isn't Free
by Tiffany Jones
Kaye Blegvad
Taking The Craving Out of Smoking
by Robert M. Proctor